
that S word

In grade school, I was a gypsy several years in a row. Some years I called myself peasant girl. Same frumpy blouse, kerchief, skirt. Every year, the same girls would dress as punkrockers -- slutty punkrockers, only at the time, I had no idea how to describe them because I did not know that S word. I just knew they did it as an excuse to wear off-the-shoulder tops when they were normally discouraged throughout the year. No wait, it first started with little Madonnas. With the fingerless gloves, lace hairbands, fishnets stockings. THEN came the punkrockers (same outfit, only with more rubber bangles and colourful spiky hair). Nowadays, people will unabashedly say they're being slutty somethings for Halloween -- so common that it has become redundant to even mention the S word, since, depending on the female, it is pretty much a given.

While waiting for the College streetcar tonight, I observed the lack of creativity in costumes. Slutty versions of vampires, nurses, bunnies, nuns, schoolgirls. Some weren't even trying to be slutty anything. Just plain slutty.
"That's what Hallowe'en is for -- the chance to dress slutty without judgment"
"Oh I judge. Believe you me, I judge." These gals still dress the same way they'd normally dress on a Saturday night, only without the wings or bunny ears.

"Why a slutty costume? Why not be chunky?"
"Because slutty is fun!"
Fun, I suppose, for those who crave male attention.

Halloween is that time of year, when boys dress like girls and girls dress like slutty girls. A guy can put on a wig, makeup and a pair of fake boobs, and not worry about people calling him queer -- because big boobs are funny, and hey, male costumes are often funny. A girl will pull her skirt up to her ass, cake on the makeup and glitter, strap on some heels/cutesy wings/ears/tail/rifle and I will find that funny -- because she's just trying too hard.


At 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Thomas, thanks for that insightful comment. I hadn't heard of "the high cost to low price" either, but I'll be sure to check out that documentary.


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